Apply for unban at DDRace Discord

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Apply for unban at DDRace Discord

Post by Cellegen »

Name of the account: Cellegen | HU#5405
Moderator who banned me: Jao
Reason of ban: Inappropriate behaviour | Spamming (at my best knowledge)


It was months ago that I've got banned from DDRace Discord for the second time by the same Moderator, Jao for not recognizing his warnings and the ruleset that was clearly stated [No drama making, especially at #General]. The first ban was a rightful one, since I've ignored the Moderators' warnings as I continued a topic that should be taken in private instead. The first unban had a promise that is, I won't spam at any of the rooms of DDRace Discord, especially at [#General]. I wasn't aware of the "all rooms" part, so I went on with it, and got unbanned soon after. My topics at [#Map-submission]'s rooms were not right, it was more of an agressive statement towards Testers, which they shouldn't be yelled for. I was still ignorant about this decision of banning me, so unbanning me wasn't an option. Until now, I've been seeking out requests at the KoG Community and other communities too, but got bored of it. Then I've met Cagent at Teeworlds Data Discord server and got into business. Then came soon NeXus and others who made the server even more approved for to be called a Database, and we built a strong community around it too. From this point, I plan on making Teeworlds Map making Tournaments at Teeworlds Data. I've already posted the first one at:
I would like to be unbanned in order to advertise the tournament further, since the first tournament (which included games as the prize and was a great success) there were 7 out of 10 participants who actually submitted maps. We want more Teeworlds mappers to have challenging and enjoyable tournaments, like the Design Contest By RayB, so that we could give more rewards for more people who are actually participating.
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Re: Apply for unban at DDRace Discord

Post by murpi »


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