The Ultimate Ego Argument

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The Ultimate Ego Argument

Post by MitakoKotomi »

heya got nothing todo this weekend so ill just share my epic experience last night so go grab pop corn youll need it :>
(note i re arranged some chat messages to make it look more readable because some are sended at the same time)
[2022-06-19 11:14:09][chat]: avi: Dumakulem:

[2022-06-19 11:14:16][chat]: avi: are u going or u are playing

[2022-06-19 11:14:23][chat]: Ecl: xd

[2022-06-19 11:14:24][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: idk

[2022-06-19 11:14:24][chat]: *** 'im vetrean' has left the game

[2022-06-19 11:14:24][chat]: *** '[D] im vetrean' has left the game

[2022-06-19 11:14:26][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: i have weird complex

[2022-06-19 11:14:27][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: i always want dj

[2022-06-19 11:14:28][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: when hf

[2022-06-19 11:14:34][chat]: Ecl: why

[2022-06-19 11:14:37][chat]: Ecl: Dumakulem: why they are trolling

[2022-06-19 11:14:39][chat]: Ecl: so hard

[2022-06-19 11:14:39][chat]: Dumakulem: idk im trolling too

[2022-06-19 11:14:41][chat]: avi: becos

[2022-06-19 11:14:43][chat]: avi: u are not playing u

[2022-06-19 11:14:45][chat]: avi: are jokeing

[2022-06-19 11:14:46][chat]: avi: K

[2022-06-19 11:14:50][chat]: Ecl: ..

[2022-06-19 11:14:51][chat]: Ecl: see?

[2022-06-19 11:14:55][chat]: Ecl: hai

[2022-06-19 11:14:56][chat]: Ecl: haiya

[2022-06-19 11:14:58][chat]: Dumakulem: arba basically spamming his hook

[2022-06-19 11:15:02][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: a

[2022-06-19 11:15:50][chat]: [D] Ecl: Dumakulem: team?

[2022-06-19 11:15:53][chat]: Dumakulem: nah

[2022-06-19 11:15:53][chat]: Dumakulem: t0 fun

[2022-06-19 11:15:55][chat]: avi: listen

[2022-06-19 11:15:59][chat]: avi: u are

[2022-06-19 11:16:00][chat]: avi: not try to finesh

[2022-06-19 11:16:01][chat]: avi: u are trying to

[2022-06-19 11:16:02][chat]: avi: just

[2022-06-19 11:16:03][chat]: avi: joke

[2022-06-19 11:16:06][chat]: avi: but we have to finesh

[2022-06-19 11:16:06][chat]: avi: K

[2022-06-19 11:16:05][chat]: Dumakulem: how can we progress if you guys wont f***ing move

[2022-06-19 11:17:07][chat]: Ecl: Dumakulem: nvm he just kid

[2022-06-19 11:17:12][chat]: Dumakulem: and i dont think you guys can finish this map with ur skill level

[2022-06-19 11:17:15][chat]: Dumakulem: why u think i have 4 hours in this map

[2022-06-19 11:17:14][chat]: avi: then

[2022-06-19 11:17:17][chat]: avi: why u are frezing

[2022-06-19 11:17:17][chat]: avi: nay dieing

[2022-06-19 11:17:19][chat]: avi: then we have to help

[2022-06-19 11:17:20][chat]: avi: ok

[2022-06-19 11:17:20][chat]: [D] Ecl: bc u are trolling u noobie

[2022-06-19 11:17:21][chat]: avi: play with your skill

[2022-06-19 11:17:24][chat]: Ecl: avi: go to study u kiddo

some time later:
egoblock1.png (43.45 KiB) Viewed 20929 times

[2022-06-19 11:17:24][chat]: Dumakulem: see

[2022-06-19 11:17:25][chat]: Dumakulem: see that

few more minutes later:

[2022-06-19 11:18:45][chat]: [D] Ecl: [D] Dumakulem: help?

ego tries to help:
ego save.png
ego save.png (35.4 KiB) Viewed 20929 times
ego fail 2.png
ego fail 2.png (30.44 KiB) Viewed 20929 times

[2022-06-19 11:18:48][chat]: [D] Ecl: um

[2022-06-19 11:18:48][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: m

[2022-06-19 11:18:50][chat]: [D] Ecl: .

[2022-06-19 11:18:50][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: ..

[2022-06-19 11:18:51][chat]: [D] Ecl: ...

[2022-06-19 11:20:45][chat]: [D] Ecl: welp

[2022-06-19 11:20:49][chat]: [D] Ecl: u guys maybe can go to play noivce map first or what

[2022-06-19 11:21:14][chat]: Dumakulem: f3

[2022-06-19 11:21:15][chat]: avi: we want play

[2022-06-19 11:21:16][chat]: avi: and finesh it

[2022-06-19 11:21:17][chat]: avi: k

[2022-06-19 11:21:18][chat]: avi: we are try

[2022-06-19 11:21:18][chat]: avi: ing

[2022-06-19 11:21:19][chat]: avi: this

[2022-06-19 11:21:21][chat]: avi: evrey day

[2022-06-19 11:21:20][chat]: Dumakulem: go play pranki or something

[2022-06-19 11:21:20][chat]: Dumakulem: maybe glitchold

[2022-06-19 11:21:21][chat]: Ecl: xdd

[2022-06-19 11:21:23][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: mm

[2022-06-19 11:22:04][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: you guys wont probably finish this

[2022-06-19 11:22:08][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: unless some super pro carries you

[2022-06-19 11:22:10][chat]: [D] Ecl: they cant

[2022-06-19 11:22:11][chat]: avi: idc

[2022-06-19 11:22:11][chat]: avi: k

[2022-06-19 11:22:16][chat]: avi: we have many pro friend like puppy

[2022-06-19 11:22:18][chat]: avi: mrranbo

[2022-06-19 11:22:18][chat]: Dumakulem: bruh

[2022-06-19 11:22:21][chat]: Dumakulem: puppy only mod player

[2022-06-19 11:22:22][chat]: Dumakulem: by super pro i mean this dudes

[2022-06-19 11:22:23][chat]: *** 889. k1r1ha Points: 7098, requested by Dumakulem

[2022-06-19 11:22:24][chat]: [D] Ecl: HAHHAAHA

[2022-06-19 11:22:25][chat]: [D] Ecl: puppy

[2022-06-19 11:22:24][chat]: *** 411. anonymous Points: 10238, requested by Dumakulem

[2022-06-19 11:24:56][chat]: *** 114. Smurfer Points: 15976, requested by Dumakulem

[2022-06-19 11:24:59][chat]: Dumakulem: this guys best player here in asia

(( i dont wanna get cancelled so im gonna put the other pros that i was too lazy to show off
-call me stupid but i was gone for the last 2 months this is the only dudes i can remember including k1r1ha and smurfer,
and anony
-the top leaderboard chinese and korean dudes and specially the taiwan dudes and hongkong, vietnam
and the other top players on other countries in asia
-the other korean dudes i forgot the name but they usually play with k1r1ha smurfer and ming ))

  • back to the video...,

[2022-06-19 11:28:03][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: from what ive seen you guys dont know proper hh

[2022-06-19 11:28:04][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: do u even know what an hh is

[2022-06-19 11:28:52][chat]: NINJA MASTER: mf

[2022-06-19 11:28:53][chat]: NINJA MASTER: mf [D] Ecl

[2022-06-19 11:28:55][chat]: NINJA MASTER: mf Ecl

[2022-06-19 11:28:55][chat]: Ecl: what

[2022-06-19 11:28:58][chat]: NINJA MASTER: you say us noob

[2022-06-19 11:29:00][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: yes u are

[2022-06-19 11:29:01][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: go to novice

[2022-06-19 11:29:01][chat]: Ecl: ya i am

[2022-06-19 11:29:05][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: u should atleast know basics

[2022-06-19 11:29:41][chat]: NINJA MASTER: mf i am your dad

[2022-06-19 11:29:40][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: this map needs brain

[2022-06-19 11:29:41][chat]: [D] Dumakulem: u guys dont have from what ive seen

[2022-06-19 11:30:53][chat]: *** 'arbazkhan' called for vote to kick 'Dumakulem' (No reason given)

[2022-06-19 11:30:54][chat]: Dumakulem: bruh

then i got ban voted..

already satisfied on the thought there is a chance i made them cry :>
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