!! User Registration

Read and discuss official announcements, information and news about the DDRaceNetwork.
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Posts: 1134
Joined: Mon May 05, 2014 7:30 pm
Clan: Eagle

!! User Registration

Post by Index »

In the last few weeks the forum received an unusual amount of malicious user requests (bots, advertisement, scam).
Therefore we disabled automatic user registration for now and regularly delete their requests.

If you are a real human being and would like to newly register in the forum:
Follow the registration process (https://forum.ddnet.org/ucp.php?mode=register), then join the official discord server (https://ddnet.org/discord) and write me (Index, with red discord-logo avatar) a PM with your account information (email address or username, not password). I will then manually activate your account.

There is also an increased number of hacked accounts, so be sure to use a secure passphrase !

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