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Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 9:55 pm
by gdin
Oboy, I really don't know how I'm going to organize this.

Well hey everyone, my name's dinner. I've been playing teeworlds for... 5.5 years now I think? I haven't really kept track, but it's been awhile. I started in 0.5.2, playing mostly on block servers with the name ":D". Soon after, I changed it to dinner for rather stupid reasons which I won't bother to explain here. Regardless, the name stuck. Being from the USA, pretty much all the servers were a distance of at least 120ms. Back then, I didn't know what ping was and thought the lag was how the game was supposed to be played, so I got pretty damn good at it like that.
After failed attempts to join the popular clans at the time such as .:{WoL}:., [Bag], and [sMu], I eventually created many blocks clans which all failed. However, one in particular was rather significant, because it led me to the world of teeworlds USA - a place I had not previously ventured. The clan was called "QK", and it had 4 members including myself. I wanted to get a clan server for us, and somebody named Broken mentioned that he was hosting servers for people with 4 or more in a clan. I still remember that encounter... it was on the map DDrace Ep!X. Anyway, after having that server for a little while, my clan eventually disbanded and I joined Broken's clan, which had recently been renamed Inspire, previously called Ambience.
Before I get into everything about Inspire, I'd like to mention that this was the time when I started to pick up DDRace and learn some of the skills I have today. I loved playing on the DDracemaX servers and their maps so I'm quite happy with the addition of a DDMax server to DDNet. I also loved playing maps like AiP Gores and run_guy25. Back then I couldn't beat either of those maps, and they seemed extremely difficult! Things have changed a lot! Now, for Inspire.
The Inspire community was honestly the best one I've seen on Teeworlds - it was great. The Inspire Clan owned 30 servers on the new teeworlds 0.6.2 version, and we had about 30 active members. I think the peak was about 50 members, which is pretty huge for one clan. Anyway, the Inspire clan led me to create some great relationships in Teeworlds, with people I now have known for years and still talk to and play with today. People like mikey12, Zgokee, Broken, Nishant, Skeith, Angelbroz, NoOB, and Spank. I'm sure there are many others, but these are the ones that come to mind. Around this time, mikey, zgo and I were the champs of the Inspire servers - although we were still big noobs compared to the players in DDracemaX!
When Inspire first got its servers, I was also introduced to teerace for the first time. I made some good friends there as well, such as Flomo, Fudgyking, and Lord Falcon. Fudgyking was by far the fastest improvement of anybody I've seen in teeworlds - in a period of just months he went from a big noob to the #1 Teerace player. He also soared to the top of the DDracePro rankings because he decided that he would. His determination is incredible. I never played teerace all that much, but I managed to reach a worldwide rank of around 60, and I loved playing the fly maps! Those maps are what fueled my interest in gores, and my favorite was easily Fly4Popo, a crazy hard map that nobody seemed to be able to beat.
Another important chapter of my teeworlds life was iDDrace. iDD was something I took very seriously, because I had managed to get extremely good at using exploits to finish maps in record time. One of the Inspire servers was called "Dinner's Inspire iDDrace", where I was able to practice under good ping and get great records. I remember finishing xyz_ddrace2 in under 2 minutes, as well as the entire skynet compilation in under 20! I first learned the iDDrace skills from a guy named ROJON, who I had met on Zeppleing iDDrace. That server still exists today! I haven't seen him in awhile, but he taught me a bunch of tricks to start out with unfreezing and teleporting. Later on I took those tricks to the next level and got extremely good at it, probably ranked #1 or 2 in the world for the gametype. Of course, nobody took it seriously so it didn't matter. The only other person I knew who could "Dummy Glitch" like me was Juanchi, who also could get crazy times.
Another big thing I'd like to mention is the trolls of teeworlds: yemDX, Skeith, Lu(c)key, Satyr, and Scorpio to some extent. These guys were assholes, but I always enjoyed arguing with them, although I played right into their hands half the time. Skeith has become more passive now, but he was a huge troll back in the day! yemDX will always be number 1 though, although I have not seen him in years.
The last thing that remains before DDNet came along was my becoming the co-leader of Inspire. This was super exciting for me, and I had lots of plans for the clan. I coded a website and built a forum for the clan, but neither were used and they were kind of bad. Regardless, it was fun creating them and it felt great to be the head of something so huge. Unfortunately, Inspire went down the drain during late 2014 with many members quitting and only a few staying online.
DDNet servers were around for quite awhile before I started playing on them. It was only when the Inspire servers died that I forced myself to. I was rather upset at first, but eventually DDNet started to grow on me and I began playing there more. A few months into playing with DDNet is when mB came along.
mB was started in late 2014 by miami, mikey12, and I. We had big plans for the clan, wanting to become the best of the best and actually start taking DDNet seriously. Our members quickly grew over the next few months, adding a few USA players and several GER to our roster. We currently have 12 members, and are always growing (apply at if you want to join us!). Over these next few months with mB, I started to focus more and actually get good at DDRace. I was already decent and a "pro" in USA, but I didn't think so myself and wanted to grow in skill alongside of the other mB members. Maple and I began speedrunning and destroyed the novice server, reaching ranks in the global top20. I also started to get much better at solo maps, finishing stuff I thought I would never be able to do. I almost finished fly to the legends as well, but lost my save at the last part! A really exciting mB moment for me was when Maple and I won the Jvice tournament. The run was pretty bad but it was still exciting, and it started my series of teeworlds youtube videos.
One last thing, I also joined KoG in early 2015 (or maybe late 2014 im not sure), which is a European gores clan. They're cool and have awesome servers full of great maps!
Aaaaaaaand finally, I think that leads me up to the present. That's my whole teeworlds story as far as I can remember. So hi, I'm dinner. I suppose I've written a lot, so thank you if you actually read through it all.

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:44 pm
by Fňokurka oo7
Hehhe...hey! I read it all. :)
Great story!
You are teeworlds granny!

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2015 10:45 pm
by Im 'corneum

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:42 am
by Novo
hi dinner c:

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 10:54 am
by Ryozuki
Good history lol

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:31 am
by Broken
din you've always been a classy tee and an asset to usa tw

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 4:14 pm
by deen
Hi dinner! Nice story, good to have you as DDNet mod.

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:51 pm
by BamBam
Wow I kinda thought you'd add me there cuz we have been buds since late 2014!! Aaand you kinda left out ur name. And how old you are xD. Well, Hi Dinner!!

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2015 11:28 pm
by gdin
BamBam wrote:Wow I kinda thought you'd add me there cuz we have been buds since late 2014!!l
There are a lot of people I've been playing with on DDNet who I didn't mention - I was just concentrating on old friends I've had for years.
BamBam wrote:Aaand you kinda left out ur name. And how old you are xD. Well, Hi Dinner!!
Eh, I feel that those aren't as important. Just know me by dinner :P

Also Hi to everyone who said hi ^^

Re: Presentation: Ðíƞƞèř

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:21 pm
by Meow~
What does mB stand for? And hi :3 (thanks for your particles.png, best design ever!)