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Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 12:35 pm
by Index
Short Q&A - Mapping
Question and Answer for mapping relevant things

In this thread you can ask (short) questions about mapping in general.
So, you don’t have to create a separate topic for every single question.
Tutorial List:
Mapping ABC:

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 6:46 pm
by meew'
rly would like to know how i can animate 2 different looking rays for me sun or moon kinda like themix did at sunreal

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 7:51 pm
by hi_leute_gll
Read here to learn how to create an animation.
Then open Sunreal in your editor and look how Themix did it.

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:48 pm
by meew'
i know how 2 animate bro. but well your always there to write something that i didnt wanted to here! respekt for that

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2015 12:38 pm
by teini94
Index know it maybe

In the proof when your background fits perfectly but u ise dynamic cam? 16:9 you see over it?

2. zoom background layers 1 - normaly/standart - activated?

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:12 pm
by Index
Well, I doubt you are still interested in an answer but I would like to shortly write a few things anyways.

Basically you just have to create an animated sun, then copy the quad layer with your sunrays and apply an envelope curve that rotates to the opposite direction (-x°) or is slightly slower etc.
To be more detailed, first you need an animated sun. There was a nice tutorial on the offical teeworlds forum about this topic. If you don't want to search and recreate it, you can download a pre-made sun by Saavik or me ( Then open it in editor, create a new envelope and use the R line (blue i think). Choose a negative value for opposite spin direction or a value higher or lower than the existing envelope to get a different rotate speed/direction. Then copy the quad layer with your sunrays, change the envelope number to your newly created one and change colors of the quads if you want. And that's it. If you still don't know how to, you can take a look at the map Sunreal and try to understand the layers :p
Sry for the irritating explanation xd

Aww, so i probably know it? :3 Well, let's see.
The proof borders show you the maximum view distance. So if your background quad is larger than the outer WHITE borders, then you can't see over it ingame. You can take a look at the Mapping ABC for a detailed explanation concerning Proof.
I don't understand the second question :o If you zoom in or out in a map, the background doesn't zoom. It does not scale with your percentage of zoom. It will always stay the same as far as I know.
Hope it helped.

Oh, and hope this thread will be used more frequently. Seems like people still prefer to create small topics with one question instead of write here (Somehow I can understand why ._.)

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:32 am
by teini94
Well it feels like people are scared about my hardet questions but whatever

Y well with dyn you cant see over it too? (So thx)

2, well thats my answer! Thx (we could activate automatically that the background zoom too(fits to the zoom) [thata the command] idea for the client team thx index

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:03 pm
by Lady Saavik
you can activate background zooming by writing 'cl_zoom_background_layers 1' in F1

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 7:09 am
by Ñı©Ø
This thread is not active since December... In the Great Entities Guide by Saavik there aren't a few entities updates... anyway I just want to know what is this for:
screenshot_2016-05-29_07-08-33.png (2.8 KiB) Viewed 9625 times

Re: Short Question and Answer - Mapping

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 7:44 am
by Soreu
Ye, I will have to update (& redesign) the Entities Explain page, but currently don't really have time nor motivation for that >.>

This entity is called "unlock team" - when you touch it, your team will be unlocked - used e.g. on dummy maps to prevent dumb death due to locked team right before finish.