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Chinese Walkthrough for HDP_Run2

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 4:48 pm
by deen
I've never seen something like this. Looks like latrOMMiOlOs put a lot of work into making this walkthrough:

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:32 pm
by imp
The map is too hard for noobs, even when they know how to do each part (in theory)

Re: Chinese Walkthrough for HDP_Run2

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 3:32 pm
by deen
milk wrote
Haha! I like this stubborn guy. I would like to know chinese though.
By the way I have other HDP maps. Some of them are pretty interesting. Can we add them to DDNet servers? El Futuro was my favorite mapper when I play
ddrace in 2011.

Re: Chinese Walkthrough for HDP_Run2

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 3:34 pm
by deen
It's up to what the others think. You can try submitting them, milk.

Re: Chinese Walkthrough for HDP_Run2

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 6:36 pm
by Index
the HDP Gajos maps are awesome <3 I think many people would play at least the first six of that series. And other HDP maps like OnOff (idk if that name is right) are also very funny and well mapped. I just don't know if it's ok to 'steal' them from servers. But if laxa and El Futuro (unfortunately he quit playing, didn't he?) are fine with that it would be an awesome addition to the servers.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 7:42 pm
by imp
Dude, it doesn't matter if you upload maps from others. Because when you play (=download) a map, you can use it on your own purpose, doesn't matter for what. You also don't need to give credits, although this would be pissy. If you want to prevent a map to be used by others, then you need to make a passworded server and need to play it with your friends...

Moreover are networks server of greatest importance for history. If they would neglect to have the honor to run their maps on networks server, then they obviously were dumb :D


Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:04 pm
by deen
imp wrote:Dude, it doesn't matter if you upload maps from others. Because when you play (=download) a map, you can use it on your own purpose, doesn't matter for what. You also don't need to give credits, although this would be pissy. If you want to prevent a map to be used by others, then you need to make a passworded server and need to play it with your friends...
It's simple, but not that simple. On DDNet we host maps as long as the mapper is fine with it. The opinion of other server owners does not matter. Of course we can't find all mappers for old maps, so we just release them without asking. If the mapper does not want his map on DDNet he can tell us.

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 8:30 pm
by imp
I know that you have a good reputation, but it works for any other server that way ;)

Re: Chinese Walkthrough for HDP_Run2

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:47 pm
by Index
ye I know that it is relatively easy to 'steal' a map and that many server owner does it. Nevertheless I do not think that this is right. So asking the mapper should always be the first thing to do, regardless on which server I'm going to upload his/her map. I understand that asking the server owner is nonsense since he may just added the map from another server (with or even without permission of the mapper)
So to make a long story short, I think you are right deen. Thats probably the best way to do it and because El Futuro seems to be inactive for a long time now, I would slightly rework the first Gajos maps (of course not that heavy like I did with Light Grey) and post them for testing. Is that ok with u? Or milk, do you want to do that? (:

Re: Chinese Walkthrough for HDP_Run2

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 11:36 pm
by milk
Index wrote:Or milk, do you want to do that? (:
No, it's ok, you can post them.

deen, Should we put these maps in one topic or make topic for each map? I plan to post about 20 HDP maps.