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About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:18 am
by `Cas
Ok guys.

Dont put solo like "noobfilter" at start, cuz it not INTERESTING. Its just fckin annoying thing.

If anybody wants to play solo they go to FCKIN SOLO SERVER. Are u have brain to understood this?!?!

If u do a non-solo map - dont do hard noobfilter, which needs to know right timings for right buttons. Cuz its no-fun. Its just annoying thing.

If map contains especially long noobfilter, what need to 20-30 restarts to beat dat, so, ur map never ever be populare and playable.
I waste 80% of time ingame for w8ing anybody who can pass noobfilter.

Why, godbless, u still do that "noobfilters"?

Just read this 20 times or more:
If anybody wants to play solo they go to FCKIN SOLO SERVER. Are u have brain to understood this?!?!
If u need to do this "annoying-shiet noobfilters everywhere" - just DO ALL MAP SOLO. And put it to solo server.

My english is terrible, but i hope u understood what i mean. :|

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:22 am
by hi_leute_gll
`Cas wrote: Why, godbless, u still do that "noobfilters"?
To filter out the noobs?

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:24 am
by `Cas
And, yes, im crying kid, cuz i rly spent 80% time ingame at this fckin-shit-annoying-solo-noobfilters.

Im play 2-3 hours at day and 2 hours im fckin waiting for anybody finish noobfilter. Its incredible annoying thing.
Not all pros plays at team, and not all pros do speedruns.
Many of ours - just play interesting maps for interesting gameplay.

I hope u read this before start enginering next map, ty.

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:24 am
by Lady Saavik
what map pissed you off so much?

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:30 am
by `Cas
hi_leute_gll, understand me rightly. Im not a totally noob. I can pass 99% noobfilters ingame, but it NO FUN HERE. Its just annoying thing.

If i rly knows, dat no my friends online, i just go and start speedrun at solo map. AT SOLO SERVER.

I think, any pros have skills to definite who can beat next part, and who cant without noobfilters. So?

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:34 am
by `Cas
Lady Saavik wrote:what map pissed you off so much?
Lady Saavik, im respecting u (cuz ur series halloween and awesome loading screens for tournaments).
But im rly spent 4/5 time of game for fckin w8ing while anybody finish next noobfilter.

Just understood me rightly. Its very annoying thing, who plays solo much time like me.
4/5 ingame time, im just wondering around and wait anybody who can beat noobfilter. :cry:

And who can, just enter and said "ok, thats shiet, go next map". And we go. Dats rly we have 2-3% playable brutal maps at this moment.
I dont speak about pre-query team now. Im speak about random guys.
May be ur map is very interesting, but 95% of brutal players will be not knew this, cuz they didnt pass noobfilter. So ur map will dies. Keep it in mind.

And i havent "baguette". Its rly true.
Dats why SickCunt maps is very popular. Cuz u dont need stay 10000 minutes and w8ing while anybody can beat next-uninteresting-shit (except one of his map). :|
SickCunt (I hope, man, u do 10x more maps, for i have more fun from this game).

Sry for my bad engRish. :D

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:04 am
by Lady Saavik
Oh thanks.
And what about solo parts in the middle of map?

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:26 am
by `Cas
Its no problem, cuz its can be present in "mappers plan" or so, idk. :D
But if map contains especially long and "known-right-timings-click-buttons" noobfilter, its not playable. Cuz 95% of ppls cant beat them. And 5% pros just stay 10000 min and w8ing after noobfilter.
Maybe its planned as "noobs go out", but in reality we have situation like "pros go out", cuz u wait, wait, wait, eat, bathroom, sleep, fap, growth ur sons, and nobody can finish it. And who can - was been at pre-query team.
So, next time when u see that maps, u just votechange this shit.

Let's look at it from the other side. If the map there are no noobfilter, u will be fail with random guy, YES, but u PLAY all this time, not fckin STAND over9000 minutes like an idiot alone!
U feel the different? Stay alone over9000 min and waiting until anybody can finish noobfilter, or u play this over9000 min? U will be fail, ok. But u playing!
And its all to do random players on ur maps. Just stand and wait.
Just stand and wait.
Just stand and wait.
Just stand and wait.
Just stand ...
Over 100 brutal maps can be playable now if u just simple cut the boring "noobfilter" they contains. I found a good word in the dictionary - gameplay. Stand alone over9000 min not about gameplay.
Have you noticed that there are many pro who have low ddnet points? Its cuz very small group of map are playable! We dont want play novice. Easy beat any moderate, not interest. And cant play brutal cuz its contains boring waiting parts. Where u stand and wait. Stand and wait second jesus coming. :)

Idk if u understood me properly. I well known many "over-middle-skills-guys" who just votechange map, cuz it containts noobfilter. Motivate like "its online game not solo-game". And i agree with them.
So. Not so many maps containts good "gameplay" noobfilters. I can remember it all and count at fingers. Like adrenaline series.
Sry for my "ugly" opinion about mappin. I hope I was able to convey it.

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:16 am
by Gridwyn
Play novice maps...

Re: About solo at NON-SOLO-MAPS

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:32 am
by deen
I don't agree with the language of Cas, but I prefer maps without extremely hard noob filters as well. Out of Castle and Dusty Road are two of my favorite maps because of how fun the start is with a bunch of noobs. Also, I think maps without hard noob filters are much more popular. Still, that is my personal opinon, I think the choice should be left to mappers.