New Server Command - Teamkill

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New Server Command - Teamkill

Post by Cellegen »

I saw players on both DDNet and KoG servers using teams more often and the more I saw them playing, the more I realized that sometimes somebody has a mistake and probably kills their team, even tho he shouldn't be. Obviously /lock would be the most viable option to disable killing in a team, but what if somebody wants to be a leader of this team and only that player would be able to kill? That opens up both secure and a reasonable approach of technically remaking /lock as it is.

By using /teamkill "any player name in the team" would allow that specific player to kill, but not everybody else on the team. This command is only avaiable for the only player who joined the team first, otherwise joined people will get this message: "Sorry, but only the player "Player name" (who joined this team first) are allowed to use this command!". To disable all players to use kill, use simply "/teamkill" as a simple command. Instead of typing a name to have that player use /kill, nobody will get that, overwriting their /kill ability. Simply said, that is why I wrote here it's kinda a rework of /lock, since you can have that function alongside choosing who will be able to kill. Also you could target more, than one player to have the ability to kill, but you need to write name after name with a space in it: "/teamkill "Name" "Name" " etc...

I hope this feature somewhat gets implemented, it seems like a nice quality improvement of /lock after all!
If you have any suggestions or opinions about this topic, feel free to speak out and discuss this feature idea.
That's all.
RestInHell. - Team Leader
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Re: New Server Command - Teamkill

Post by Chairn »

You can go to spec instead of killing and using lock. If you need to kill someone in the team, you can vote him to spec. Teamkill gives all power to one person. What if you need to kill the leader?
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