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Distributed Identification Keys

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2023 10:35 pm
by bota
Hi there,
so I just got an Idea how to somewhat ensure a unique Identity of a Player. The Idea is rather simple: Each Client is trading keys with each other. So everyone is building up an own database of keys. Upon joining all clients can trade keys around. To prevent fake keys you use some sort of authentication for the keys. There are plenty technologies out there that can accomplish that (Example: Public & Private key). The only difficult part will be to figure out rules for the keys. For example to make a rule that defines a valid key. Or if only keys should be traded if you friend someone to prevent a giant data pile.

Does this make any sense? Or do we even want unique identities? I want to discuss a bit.

Another easy method is to just /register and /login. KOG has also an interesting identification method. But I don't know anything about it. Would be interesting to know it.

Also when are the Applications open again? (=

Re: Distributed Identification Keys

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2023 12:21 am
by deen
This was already discussed before, see for example ... 1534189301