Some short comment.

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Some short comment.

Post by hi_leute_gll »

Vasten hat es mir gestern schon erzählt. Wäre ich in deiner Situation, wäre das für mich ebenfalls der logische Schritt, denn ich könnte mit den persönlichen Angriffen NICHT umgehen. Dieses Video von Aoe ist ekelhaft und unangebracht und rechtfertigt alleine schon einen Bann.
Mir sind die Hater eig. egal. Leute, die nur hierher hinkommen, mit der Absicht andere Leute zu beleidigen, werden einfach gebannt (oder gemutet) und die Sache ist erledigt. Aber durch gewisse Ereignisse und Posts in letzter Zeit hat sich ein Teil der Community radikalisiert.
Auch wenn deen sich mittlerweile dafür entschuldigt hat, lässt sich das nicht mehr zurück drehen. Die Community wird gesplittet - die Leute beefen sich (aus beiden Richtungen) - und geht an sich selbst zu Grunde. Solche Videos sind dann die negativen Highlights und zeigen, dass hier Hopfen und Malz verloren ist.

Ich hatte ja oft kritisiert, dass DDNet zu groß ist, wollte mit einer Admin-Gruppe deens Aufgaben verteilen, um so die Last zu stemmen. Ich musste aber feststellen, dass dies nicht möglich ist.
DDNet hat die Größe eines kommerziellen Produktes, wird aber von Leuten als Hobby betrieben. Der Anspruch und das Leistbare liegen sehr weit auseinander, da ist es schon ein Wunder, dass deen es überhaupt über 1 Jahr lang (nach DDmaX Untergang) geschafft hat, diese Blase aufrecht zu erhalten.
Wir brauchen 24/7 technischen Support um die Synchronisation aufrecht zu erhalten, ich muss mich um Mobbingfälle in Chile kümmern, während ich nur das an Informationen bekomme, was mir ein anderer Spieler grob übersetzt. Ich kann nicht mal einen Moderator einsetzen, weil ich dort einfach niemanden kenne. (Einfach mal 2 Beispiele.)

Wir hatten einige Pläne. Aber wenn ich ehrlich bin, haben wir die meisten und größten Punkte nie wirklich angefasst. Es war einfach zu viel und die Leute, die am Anfang noch motiviert waren, fielen zurück in ihren alten Trott. Außerdem war uns immer bewusst, dass einige größere Entscheidungen zu viel Flame führen werden. Es war eig. von Anfang an klar, dass viele dieser Punkte nie erfüllt werden würden.
Vermutlich müsste man DDNet von 0 aufbauen, von Anfang an auf diese Größe ausbauen, aber dann landen wir auch schnell wieder beim Thema Geld - man müsste Leute bezahlen, bräuchte bessere Server, ...

Das ist alles keine Basis auf der ein solches Projekt funktionieren kann. Selbst DDmaX, welches "nur" regional war, stieß an Grenzen.

Vielleicht wäre besser, wieder vereinzelte regionale Server zu haben. So was wie KoG: Eine handvoll Server, ein paar Maps pro Woche, nen kleines Event pro Monat. Das passt viel mehr zu einem Hobbyprojekt als weltweite Ranks, Synchronisation, unzählige Maps, ... Aber wer weiß...
(Ich weiß, dass es Server in anderen Regionen gibt, aber das ist weit weg von der Größe DDNets und ich hoffe KoG macht nicht den selben Fehler.)

Ich denke nicht, dass es einen Nachfolger für mich geben wird. Die einzigen Kandidaten sind Aoe und Fels, aber ich denke, die beiden muss ich nicht weiter kommentieren.
deen wird die Server nicht runterfahren wollen, er wird die Aufgaben aber auch nicht zurück nehmen. Die anderen Admins sind entweder inaktiv oder hoffnungslos überfordert.

Meine Schlussfolgerung ist es, dass es keinen Sinn mehr macht, diese Zeit und Arbeit in DDNet zu investiert. DDNet ist verloren und kann mMn nicht mehr gerettet werden. Daher werde ich auch meine Aufgaben als Admin abgeben, wer auch immer sie übernehmen mag.

Knight wird damit ebenfalls als Team Leader des Testing Teams zurücktreten. Er ist wie ich auch nicht mehr motiviert, weiter Zeit in DDNet zu investieren.
Knight, du hast mir oft und sehr geholfen. Ich hoffe, dass wir in Kontakt bleiben und das ein oder andere Mal zusammen racen!

aaa und Soreu werden erstmal bleiben, um dabei zu helfen, Nachfolger zu finden und ein paar Dinge weiterlaufen zu lassen. Sie werden danach auch zurücktreten.

Ich danke den Leuten, die mich in den letzen Tagen und Wochen unterstützt haben, aber von ihnen haben viele verstanden, dass es sich nicht mehr lohnt, in DDNet zu investieren.

Am meisten tuen mir jedoch jene Leute Leid, welche einfach nur das Spiel öffnen, ihre Lieblingsmap (Kobra, Naufrage, ...) suchen, 'ne Stunde Spaß haben und dann wieder gehen. Sie bekommen von all dem, was hier passiert überhaupt nichts mit. Aber sollte DDNet down gehen, sind es in der Masse (Tausende) sie, die ihr Hobby verlieren, nicht die paar hier im Forum.

Ich hoffe, du kannst die neu gewonnene Zeit so einsetzen, dass sie für dich sinnvoll und wertvoll ist. Vielleicht kriegst du ja wieder Spass daran, tatsächlich Maps zu finishen oder am speedracen? :p
Ich habe Ideen für ein eigenes Projekt (anderes Game), die werde ich wohl verfolgen. Ob ich jemals wieder racen kann, ohne von Leuten genervt und beleidigt zu werden, muss sich erst zeigen.^^

Es sind dennoch einige Dinge passiert in den letzten Wochen und um den beteiligten Personen auch die entsprechende Aufmerksamkeit zu geben, wird sich unter diesem Post noch eine News befinden. Sie war als monatliche News geplant, um die Spieler zu informieren.
Vasten told it me yesterday already. If I would be in your position, this would be also the logical step for me, cause i could NOT handle these personal attacks. This video by Aoe is disgusting and inappropriate and is enough to justifie a ban.
I don't care about the haters. People who are coming here just with the goal to insult others simply get bans (/muted) and the topic is closed. But cause certain events and posts in the last time a part of the community has been radicalized.
Even if deen excused himself, this can't be turned back. The comunity is getting splitted - the people are fighting each other (from both directions) - and perishs of itself. Such videos then are just the negative highlights and shows that it is hopeless.

I have often critizised DDNet became too big, wanted to split deen's tasks in a group of admininstrators to handle the load of work. I had to realize that this isn't possible.
DDNet has the size of a commercial product, but is lead as hobby-project. The requested and the doable are far away from each other, so it is even a wonder that deen managed to keep this bubble alive for over 1 year (after DDmaX went down).
We need 24/7 technical support to keep the synchronisation up, i have to take care about social problems in Chile while i get only the informations another player translates me roughly. I can't hire a moderator, cause i don't know anyone there. (Just 2 examples.)

We had some plans. But if I am honest...we didn't even seriously touch the most and biggest points. It was just too much and the people who were motivated at the beginning fall back to their daily rut. Besides that we were always aware that some decisions will result in much flame. Actually from the beginning it was obvious that we will never do all these points. Presumably DDNet would need a rebuild from scratch, building it up in this size from the beginning, but then we are fastly at topics like money - you need to pay people, better servers, ...

This is all not a base for such a big project to work on. Even DDmaX which was "just" regional has been at the limit.

I think it would be better to have single regional servers back. Like KoG: A few servers, a few maps per week and a little Event once a month or so. This is much more fitting to a hobby-project than worldwide ranks, synchronization, too many maps, ... Who knows...
(I know there are server in other regions, but this is far away from DDNet's size and I hope KoG won't do the same mistake.)

I don't think that there will be a succesor for me. The only candidates are Aoe and Fels, but i don't think that i need to comment them.
deen doesn't want to shutdown the servers, but he will also not take back the tasks. The other admins are either inactive or overwhelmed w/o any chance.

My conclusion is that it doesn't make sense anymore to invest this time and work into DDNet. DDNet is lost and can't be saved, imo. That's why i will give away my tasks as admin, who ever will take them.

With this Knight will also retire as Team Leader of the Testing Team. Same as me he isn't motivated anymore to invest time into DDNet.
Knight, you helped me often and much. I hope that we will stay in contact and that we will do the one or another race!

aaa and Soreu will stay for the moment to help finding succesors and keep some stuff running. They will retire after this, too.

I want to thank the people who supported me in the last days and weeks, but also many of them understood that it isn't worth it anymore to invest into DDNet.

Mostly i am sorry for the people who are just opening the game, search their favourite map (Kobra, Naufrage, ...), have fun an hour and leave then. They don't have any clue about what is going on here. But if DDNet would go down, they are the big mass (thousands) who would loose their hobby, not the few in this forum.

I hope you can use the free time for something which is sensefull and worthy for you. Maybe you even get back the fun to finish maps and speedrace them? :p
I have idas for an own project (other game), which i will follow. If i will be ever able again to race without getting annoyed and insulted we will see in the future.^^

Nethertheless some things happened in the last weeks and to give the participating people the appropriate attention, a news will be under this post. It was planned as monthly news, to inform the players.
.hi._.leute._.gll. | iMTGmember
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by hi_leute_gll »

Uhh, this month passed so fast. Our new Staff had a lot to do. There were and still are several changes going on:
  1. We decided to update the testing process. Every player is allowed and very welcome to help us.
    There are special Open Test Servers in each localization, where you can find maps suggested by mappers, but not released yet.
    All you have to do is to visit Map Testing section and refer to announcements for all information.
    We appreciate your opinions and suggested fixes & improvements.
  2. Index re-rated Race maps. Check out how many points you can get now for finishing every map. Stars describe difficulty of the map.
  3. Please read and follow new rules that apply on DDNet. You can see them on any server by writing /rules in chat.
  4. We offer many good, various Tutorials listed and prepared by Index.
  5. milk left the administration team, cause (s)he hasn't the needed time for it anymore. Thanks for your work, milk!
  6. gr33nt3a has left the Forum & Website Team. He hasn't enough time anymore to help DDNet.
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by imp »

milk is a SHE!!!
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by hi_leute_gll »

imp wrote:milk is a SHE!!!
.hi._.leute._.gll. | iMTGmember
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by imp »

I think it's great how hard some people try to make DDnet stop. They think all people get admins/testers/staff members for fun because they want to rule everyone. Nobody wants to be admin when there is so much unreasonable hatred, flaming and so on. I have never made any bad experience with hi_leute_gll ingame and never read bad stuff on forums. Aoe got 11 **** aim maps on brutal server and is crying when one of his maps gets denied. Well played.. seriously well played..
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by mdzdri »

hi_leute_gll wrote:My conclusion is that it doesn't make sense anymore to invest this time and work into DDNet. DDNet is lost and can't be saved, imo. That's why i will give away my tasks as admin, who ever will take them.
First of all, I feel like this is the worst approach you can have towards anything. Of course, I have absolutely no idea what is required to run DDNet so I assume you made the choice that suited you the best.

Second (this will sound pretty weird but I still gotta say it), I hope I had absolutely no influence on you making the decision to leave the leadership. We haven't had the time to know each other even the tiniest bit. You have no clue who I am and all I know of you is a mix of positive and negative feedback so I'm unbiased towards you.

Finally, it is always sad to see someone go. Hopefully you will complete your own project and come back when things settle down :) Good luck!

PS: And yeah, Milk is a she (learned that like yesterday or the day before even though I knew who Milk is after the first 2 weeks of playing TW lol).
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by imp »

mdzdri wrote:
hi_leute_gll wrote:My conclusion is that it doesn't make sense anymore to invest this time and work into DDNet. DDNet is lost and can't be saved, imo. That's why i will give away my tasks as admin, who ever will take them.
First of all, I feel like this is the worst approach you can have towards anything.
Well. If you are insulted by many people without doing anything really wrong then you will lose your motivation. The next admin (if there will be one) probably will be hated too.. cause reasons.. unless it's someone who is well known in a very good way.. so almost nobody
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by Ryozuki »

imp wrote:
mdzdri wrote:
hi_leute_gll wrote:My conclusion is that it doesn't make sense anymore to invest this time and work into DDNet. DDNet is lost and can't be saved, imo. That's why i will give away my tasks as admin, who ever will take them.
First of all, I feel like this is the worst approach you can have towards anything.
Well. If you are insulted by many people without doing anything really wrong then you will lose your motivation. The next admin (if there will be one) probably will be hated too.. cause reasons.. unless it's someone who is well known in a very good way.. so almost nobody
Well, it's deen, but as he said he doesn't want to invest time in ddnet (or atleast, like he did some month ago)
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by Welf »

finally :)
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Re: Some short comment.

Post by Ryozuki »

Welf wrote:finally :)
yeah, finally ddnet will die.
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