Shut down servers?

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What to shut down?

Entire DDNet
All mods other than DDNet (zCatch, BLOCK, ...)
Nothing, keep DDNet running as it is
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by laxa »

deen wrote:
laxa wrote:Why care about what others say ? I think DDNet should stay the way it is right now.
Teeworlds is dying cause no one is taking care of it, not because of ddnet.
Let players play where they wanna play, there is a reason for it.
Obviously we're running the servers for others to play on. If they cause more problems and pain than bring joy then they should be shut down.
How can you even quantify that ? Those people are saying bullshit.
If ddnet shutdown, then teeworlds is probably going to die even faster.
It really makes no sense to shut down ddnet, I really don't understand this.
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by Broken »

also i don't see how running more mods hurts anyone anywhere. the very worst it does is make one more line in server list, the best it does it let ppl play that like that mod
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by deen »

Broken wrote:also i don't see how running more mods hurts anyone anywhere. the very worst it does is make one more line in server list [...]
Actually you can use the setting "Has people playing" to not see empty servers, so it's not a problem.

I think the argument usually goes like this: We're running the other mods without really caring about them, so we make them rot and unenjoyable for their players.

But I've just run other mods on request of players who didn't have a server to play on or where unhappy with the administration or ping there. Since we have the servers for DDNet already and I've made the server much more efficient, we can basically run the other mods for free. Also, some other people have rcon and take care of some of these servers.
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by Skeith »

We must stand strong against the tyranny that is DDNet.

I cry out for all of the tees to stand with me against these evildoers!!

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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by Zgokee »

Keep them as it is. I would prefer non-lagging and non admin abusing servers any day. The other scenes have their own clan servers anyway.
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by Welf »

Yes take the other players their servers, they don't need servers to play. People from tw only need DDRace nothing more!

Sometimes there are Block Servers with 40-60 players, but no we should close them!
And it is forbidden for "DDRacenetwork" to run other mods than DDRace! We are just not allowed :c

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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by imp »

I would never remove block since the blocker server are always like 64/64 + 32/64.
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by kamillentee »

I agree with Welf.
Ddnet servers are often better. For example monster, it makes more fun to play on ddnet monster servers then on others.
But I don't know if some mods are really required, like zcatch. There are hundreds of zcatch server.
Maybe ddnet could provide very rarely hosted mods like hunter. Mods they aren't hosted by anyone else.
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by east »

For me DDNet is only about DDRace. We have stable servers, a nice ranking system, skilled players and mappers and are able to handle hundreds of players in a single tournament. It basically got the home of DDRace.
Personally I don't like the fact that we are having different mods in the serverlist under the name of DDNet (especially in the DDNet tab), although it reaches a lot more players doing that.
The game concept of Dummy-Drag Race (I like to call it Hookrace ;)) is something really awesome and I like to see how DDNet grows because of it.
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Re: Shut down servers?

Post by Forris »

In my opinion, its good, that we have such a big community.However if ddnet goes down, I think I will quit teeworlds for some time and i guess,that I'm not the only one.DDnet became that big, because most people enjoyed playing on the server and they still do.
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