Just bind it

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Just bind it

Post by Index »

Just bind it
written by Index and GG Kid, thanks to deen, kamillentee & others

Almost all actions in TeeWorlds can be bound to a special key on your keyboard. You can quickly do a lot of things and it’s a great way to customize your TW experience. So, here are some popular binds with a short explanation, sorted by topics. The list will probably be extended and changed over time.
An in-depth description about binding complex commands with .cfg-files for advanced users can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=5819 (by GG Kid) and here (by kamillentee): viewtopic.php?p=68901#p68901 , viewtopic.php?p=68897#p68897, viewtopic.php?p=68946#p68946

For further information you can also view the video tutorial (youtube.com/watch?v=sELsw2I2jj8) and a little syntax guide (/viewtopic.php?pid=120739) on the offical forums.

Also be sure, that we never gonna let you down~ (viewtopic.php?p=69050) !
To set a bind you can either open the console ingame with F1 OR you directly edit the settings_ddnet.cfg file in your teeworlds userdata folder (%appdata% or $HOME/.config/). All the examples use x as a random key or even a mousebutton (and some times a number or value). If you don’t know the right description for the key (used by the client), you can bind something to it using the ddnet settings interface and then check the .cfg file. It will show you the client intern name for the specific key. The naming roughly follows an internal scheme (?). Furthermore there are some useful binds for rcon (F2). They are only work if you are logged into a console and have the permission for the command.

* = Default or settable within settings, (1 = on) (0 = off)
HINT: You can add ;echo MESSAGE to almost every bind, for visual feeback upon the keypress.
Just make sure that you enclose multiple bind commands with quotes (bind KEY "COMMAND ; echo MESSAGE" )

Client settings
HUD, Zoom, Filter,etc.Show

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle cl_showhud 0 1"
Enable/Disable HUD (health bar, ammo, time..)

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle gfx_high_detail 0 1"
*Enable/Disable High Detail (HD on/off in ddnet settings)

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle cl_antiping 0 1"
Enable/Disable Antiping

Code: Select all

bind x "zoom-"

Code: Select all

bind x "zoom+"

Code: Select all

bind x "zoom"
*Zoom out, Zoom in or set to default Zoom value

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle cl_show_quads 0 1"
*Enable/Disable Quads

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 50"

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 100"
*Enable/Disable Entities (50%)
*Enable/Disable Entities (100%)

End of section ===========================================================

History, Whispering & commandsShow

Code: Select all

bind slash "+show_chat; chat all /"
/ will Open the chat with / already pre-typed (for commands)

Code: Select all

bind x "+show_chat; chat all"

Code: Select all

bind x "+show_chat; chat team"
*Show chat history while chatting

Code: Select all

bind x "chat all /c"
*Whisper to the last person you whispered to
End of section ===========================================================

Deep fly, switch, Team, EtcShow

Code: Select all

bind x "bind mouse1 \"+fire; +toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0\""

Code: Select all

bind x "bind mouse1 +fire"
Deep fly on & off
Deep fly toggleShow

Deep Fly On.cfg
bind mouse1 "+fire;+toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0"
echo Enabled Deep Fly
bind x exec "Deep Fly Off.cfg"

Deep Fly Off.cfg
bind mouse1 "+fire"
echo Disabled Deep Hammer Fly
bind x exec "Deep Fly On.cfg"
save in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Teeworlds\data OR .teeworlds/data

Code: Select all

exec "Deep Fly On.cfg"

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle cl_dummy_hammer 0 1"
*Enable/Disable dummy hammer(fly)

Code: Select all

bind x "toggle cl_dummy 0 1"
*Switch between you and dummy

Code: Select all

bind X "toggle cl_dummy_resetonswitch 0 1"
Toggle whether dummy should stop pressing keys when you switch

Code: Select all

bind x "say /team 1; say /team 2"
Join team (1), but If team (1) is full or locked you will automatically join team (2).

Instantly joining a team with dummy
NOTE: These binds can be a bit finicky (dummy switch time, client lag etc. & only work when dummy is already connected)

Code: Select all

bind x "cl_dummy 1; say /team 1; say /lock; cl_dummy 0; say /team 1"
Join team (1) with your dummy & lock it.

Code: Select all

bind x "cl_dummy 1; say /team 1; say /team 2; say /lock; cl_dummy 0; say /team  1; say /team 2"
Joins you & your connected dummy to team (1) if available, if not then team (2) (& lock's it).
End of section ===========================================================

Hook-collision, Sensitivity, AimingShow

Code: Select all

bind x "+showhookcoll"
*Show hook collision line (ddnet client)

Code: Select all

bind x "+toggle inp_mousesens 1 VALUE"
Lowers mouse sense for improved hooking when you hold X.
NOTE: To find your specific VALUE type inp_mousesens in F1.

Code: Select all

bind x "+toggle cl_mouse_max_distance 2 VALUE1; +toggle inp_mousesens 1 VALUE2"
Easily aiming in certain directions (45°, 90° etc).
NOTE: To find your specific VALUE1 type in F1 : cl_mouse_max_distance and for VALUE2 inp_mousesens.

More information here: viewtopic.php?p=63828#p63828
End of section ===========================================================

Personal customizations
Name, Color, Emote's, fun.Show

Code: Select all

bind x "player_name NewName"

Code: Select all

bind x "dummy_name NewName"
*Change name

Code: Select all

bind x "player_color_body XXXXXXXX; player_color_feet XXXXXXXX"

Code: Select all

bind x "dummy_color_body XXXXXXXX; dummy_color_feet XXXXXXXX"
*Bind feet and body color in one key

Code: Select all

bind x "COMMAND; emote X"
You can add ;emote X behind all instructions (e.g. +jump).

Code: Select all

bind mouse2 "+hook; emote X"
Emote X when hooking.
Emote X numbersShow
  • 0 = oops
  • 1 = Exclamation
  • 2 = Hearts
  • 3 = Drop
  • 4 = Dot-dot-dot
  • 5 = Music
  • 6 = Sorry
  • 7 = Ghost
  • 8 = Sushi
  • 9 = Splatter
  • 10 = Devil tee
  • 11 = Omg
  • 12 = Zzz
  • 13 = Wtf
  • 14 = ^^
  • 15 = Questionmark
End of section ===========================================================

Rcon (remote_console)
Super, Force vote, Authentication, Etc.Show

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon_auth pw"
Authentificate in rcon (pw = password for rcon)

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon super"

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon unsuper"
Enable / Disable Super

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon left"

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon right"

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon up"

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon down"
Move with rcon commands

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon vote yes"

Code: Select all

bind x "rcon vote no"
Force vote yes/no
End of section ===========================================================

Do It Yourself binding
Bind ANY setting or commandShow

With these two configuration files you can toggle Settings & Commands. (FOO = command/setting of choice)

FOO off.cfg
echo FOO off
bind x exec "FOO on.cfg"

FOO on.cfg
echo FOO on
bind x exec "FOO off.cfg"
Save both in the same folder as settings_ddnet.cfg
activate in Console (F1)

Code: Select all

 exec "FOO off.cfg"
Now x will toggle anything you choose..
suggestions or comments? please share!
Last edited by GG Kid on Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by R|igrem | 45. »

Can u post the dummy binds?
Ye keep keep it real.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Index »

Yea, thanks for the suggestion :3
So these are the binds for deepfly, hammer and just switch. There are ways to make it better with .cfg files and additional commands. But basically it should work with these.
(Added them above as well)

bind x "bind mouse1 \"+fire; +toggle cl_dummy_hammer 1 0\""
bind x "bind mouse1 +fire"

bind x "toggle cl_dummy_hammer 0 1"

bind x "toggle cl_dummy 0 1"
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Index »

Added some additonal rcon commands, thanks to Seba0006 <33
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Seba0006 »

Np bro <3
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Cellegen »

what about hook binds like with dummy? Sure I dont know how to bind the dummy to hook me when I press the bind .___. halp index

Last edited by Cellegen on Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Index »

I'm not even sure, if that's possible xd
WIth other words, there's an option to hookfly with dummy but I don't use it myself. So I don't really know if you can or even have to use binds for that. Halp, someone else maybe? I'll add it then .__.

If you mean deepfly, these binds are already included :>
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Cellegen »

Gotha! [Hookbind] --> Client Features ---> a video about hookfly lol
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Re: Just bind it

Post by ZimE »

Theres a nice bind for aiming to certain degrees (90°, 45°), which for example you can use for shooting rocket straight up:

Code: Select all

bind [button] "+toggle cl_mouse_max_distance 2 [yourvalue]; +toggle inp_mousesens 1 [yourvalue]"
you have to replace button and yourvalue.
you can find out yourvalue by entering cl_mouse_max_distance or inp_mousesens in console and pressing enter.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Index »

Hehe, I always thought of this bind as a secret workaround for pretending to be pro.
But yeah, we can surely share it. Thanks for the post, I added it :3

Also slightly reworked the whole post, this

Code: Select all

 feature is indeed better :)
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