Just bind it

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Re: Slow moving kamille

Post by kamillentee »

Bind to move very slowly only 3 or 4 steps for every scrollwheel turn (depending on direction). Can be used for killedge jumping.
killedge.gif (2.54 MiB) Viewed 42759 times
slow_move_kamille.gif (1.59 MiB) Viewed 44847 times
This animation runs on full speed btw.

A. As you already might now you will stop all movement when pressing a/d at the same time. Now if you bind +right and +left to the mousewheel ( bind mousewheelup +right and bind mousewheeldown +left) you can interrupt this stopping signal for a very short time. But you cannot just press a/d at the same time as this does not work reliably (try it out yourself). You will need to bind bind x "+right; +left" on a key. Use the mousewheel and keep holding x (the order is important otherwise you will move much faster in the beginning)

There are different ways too.

B. If you dont have a mouse (or like me are too lazy to get it) you could also bind +right; +left to another key besides x, lets say y. Now press x then a movement key like a or d and then y. Hold all keys for a second (otherwise you move too far) then release the movement key then the rest.

C. Use trackpoint scrolling for infinite movement if you have a trackpoint. With new thinkpads it does not work without ending, but with my very old external IBM thinkpad keyboard it does without any limit

D. Combine A and B to make it more reliable, as sometimes you move too far. (I for myself just watch the clock on top and use the binds only at certain times as it depends from timing)
killedge.gif (2.54 MiB) Viewed 42759 times
Last edited by kamillentee on Wed Nov 10, 2021 12:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Broso56 »

(not sure if you respond still, considering this was 3-4 years ago, but if anyone else knows this that might stumble upon this) Is it possible to make a bind that rebinds itself?

e.g I have like 9 different binds for different colors (okay I might have a problem....) and I thought of an idea to basically merge all of that into one key. So essentially it would be like cycling through all the colors i have. Not sure if i can do this though.
Just a random dude who likes to have fun on kirby game.

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Re: Just bind it

Post by Index »

I guess that should be possible with a rather complicated .cfg-file setup: You can take a look at the recently posted Rick-Roll bind (viewtopic.php?p=69050); he uses one key to cycle through the whole "song", taht means rebinding the single key to the next step all the time. If you adapt that to "player_color_body FOO" instead of "say FOO", it should probably work? :o

However I didnt really bind any complicated stuff lately, so another user might give you a more detailed explanation .__.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Kynilix »

It is pretty easy to make a bind for that, indeed with a .cfg file.
All you have to do is put your binds one by one in CFG files ;
In this example, "mouse1" is the key that you use to cycle through your binds, and "a" is the key used to change colour.

bind a "+left; player_color_body 1"
bind mouse1 "+fire; exec colour2.cfg

bind a "+left; player_color_body 2"
bind mouse1 "+fire; exec colour3.cfg

And so on until the last file which will use the command differently :

"bind mouse1 "+fire; exec colour1.cfg"
As it will restart the cycle.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by Kynilix »

If you had me misunderstand, hit me up to try and explain it again, or come see me ingame sometime to ask.
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Re: Slow moving kamille

Post by tela »

kamillentee wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:22 pm Bind to move very slowly only 3 or 4 steps for every scrollwheel turn
Interesting, I wonder why this only works with the scroll wheel?

Since I already have scroll bound to stuff, I'm wondering if it's possible to make holding a key temporarily re-bind scroll up/down, kinda like +toggle. For example, scroll up/down are bound to emote 1/emote 2, but when holding 'v' they are bound to +right/+left. Would be nice if 'v' could also be "+right;+left". I messed around a bit but I don't think there's a way to do it. I like your idea though.
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Re: Slow moving kamille

Post by Kynilix »

tela wrote: Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:43 am
kamillentee wrote: Thu Feb 11, 2021 7:22 pm Bind to move very slowly only 3 or 4 steps for every scrollwheel turn
Interesting, I wonder why this only works with the scroll wheel?

Since I already have scroll bound to stuff, I'm wondering if it's possible to make holding a key temporarily re-bind scroll up/down, kinda like +toggle. For example, scroll up/down are bound to emote 1/emote 2, but when holding 'v' they are bound to +right/+left. Would be nice if 'v' could also be "+right;+left". I messed around a bit but I don't think there's a way to do it. I like your idea though.
You could pretty easily do a .cfg file to toggle this by pressing v, but i don't know if it's possible to toggle it by holding. It would be pretty bad to hold anyways because you need to hold the bind for "+left;+right" a bit before being able to use it correctly. Here are the binds I came up with so you can change your mouse wheel binds each time you press "v", considering the "+left;+right" bind is on another key.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by MitakoKotomi »

Any bind for hookfly with dummy? i saw a someone doing it on a youtube video.
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Re: Slow moving kamille

Post by tela »

Kynilix wrote: Mon Apr 19, 2021 6:00 pm You could pretty easily do a .cfg file to toggle this by pressing v, but i don't know if it's possible to toggle it by holding. It would be pretty bad to hold anyways because you need to hold the bind for "+left;+right" a bit before being able to use it correctly. Here are the binds I came up with so you can change your mouse wheel binds each time you press "v", considering the "+left;+right" bind is on another key.
yeah totally. Just thought it would be neat to have it as simple as holding say v and scrolling to move slowly like that.
MitakoKotomi wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:33 pm Any bind for hookfly with dummy? i saw a someone doing it on a youtube video.
You can do it by just setting cl_dummy_resetonswitch 1 so when you switch back/forth your dummy won't hold hook and pull you too far. Some people also use dummy copy for this and don't switch to dummy at all, but this only works in certain scenarios. It's a pain in the ass but definitely is possible to get used to, maybe not for super hard hookflys though. Most discussions I've seen about making things easier with dummy get shut down on the premise that dummies are already too powerful.
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Re: Just bind it

Post by tela »

MitakoKotomi wrote: Fri Jun 11, 2021 7:33 pm Any bind for hookfly with dummy? i saw a someone doing it on a youtube video.

Code: Select all

cl_dummy_control 1
bind mouse1 "+fire; +toggle cl_dummy_hook 1 0"
works pretty well with practice
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