The History of DDNet
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This is for offical DDRaceNetwork-related information and discussion only.
- deen
- Posts: 3579
- Joined: Mon May 05, 2014 2:30 pm
- Player profile:
- Discord: deen#5910
The History of DDNet
DDNet is turning 2 years old this Saturday, so let's take a look at DDNet's history:
Before DDNet
I've been playing Teeworlds from the start, but was always pretty bad. I just liked that a game ran well on my bad Linux computer. After a few years I discovered the Instagib/iCTF mod, which was more to my liking: Fewer weapons, easier kills, more exact aim, higher speed. That's also why iCTF was the first mod we hosted other than DDRace itself.
Since I mostly played once a week at night, there were not many opponents online. One night I was all alone and searched through the server list and found a single server with more than a few players: HellGate 3 on DDracemaX
This was in December of 2011 if I remember correctly. I spent many days trying to beat the map until I finally did it around Christmas. It's here that I met most of the DDRace community, as they were mostly playing on DDracemaX. Many of these people later helped with DDNet and quite a few are still actively playing here. By the middle of 2012 I met .me' on DDmaX, who now turned into an onion.
Back then we used to speedrun DDmaX maps. In our good times we made about 5 new map records a day. On DDmaX there was a global ranking system on the website, where only the teamranks count, so we tried to climb the ladder to the top. That was a lot of fun and that's what finally got me hooked on playing DDRace every day. It wasn't that hard to get top ranks, as most people just played for fun and not for good time. That realization is why we have points on DDNet.
DDmaX was a great server. They just ran in Germany, had lots of cool maps and a great community. A few days ago we finally released all DDmaX maps in a separate category, since DDmaX hasn't existed for about a year now and it would be a shame to lose all these maps. Huge thanks to Lady Saavik for that.
After not playing for a few months again, Adrenaline 3 finally got me back to DDRace, because .me' and I just HAD to beat it, which we finally did after a long time: [bbvideo=560,315][/bbvideo]
On DDmaX I already played with my own version of DDRace client, in which I added the feature to disable quads, because that was the only way I could play without FPS drops. This later became the official DDNet client. You can see all the changes in DDNet client on Github:
Unfortunately a few people received bans for life on DDmaX, including me and .me', so we were unable to keep playing there. I don't know why others were banned exactly, but I had made a not so funny joke about the main admin of DDmaX, Tsin. We tried talking to him for a few days, but couldn't reach a solution unfortunately.
So instead of playing on DDracemaX, I started coding stuff for them. Not much came of it, but at least I got some understanding and practice with how the DDRace server code works:
DDNet Beginnings
Megaman had already rented a virtual server, but didn't know how to set it up. So I took over this aspect, implementing what we discussed in our group of 4: Megaman, Delo, .me' and I. We started out with just a few maps by .me' and Megaman. I'm not a mapper myself, so it's lucky that all the other 3 DDNet founders were. We also had a deal with Hitomi to host a server for him with his maps, among them of course the extremely popular HellGate series.
These were the first map finishes done on DDNet:
You can see that DDNet wasn't really popular in the start. Just 34 map finishes happened in the first 5 days of its existence. Some of these names are still familiar:
Many maps released on DDmaX were in the same mapping style, just drag your partner through freeze, hooking him through corners. We made it our mission to host creative maps only. I started implementing more features, like extended teleporters, and .me' made the Bootcamp maps for them. Adding easier maps and finding mappers willing to map for us helped DDNet get new players. In the first week 38 ranks were made, in the second week already 386, in the third week 771. For reference: Last week 13919 ranks were made, and we only released a single Novice map in this week.
I kept developing new features for the DDNet server, many of which are listed here:
On the internet archive you can look at some old versions of our website, for example here where we just released the DDNet client, mainly for mapping on DDNet, in August 2013: ... /
The idea of having special events came early, in September 2013. Our first Tournaments worked by taking a few nice released maps and having players race them for 2 weeks:
These Tournaments were never very popular, as most players don't like the idea of racing maps for two weeks. I guess I was still influenced by my own fun experiences with .me' on the DDmaX server.
The idea of the Quick Tournament came in January 2014: To host a Tournament at the weekend, where everyone would race at the same time on a brand new map. This proved to be much more popular:
Unfortunately we had a few start problems. At the first Quick Tournament we wanted to play DiViNe's map "Level", but DiViNe was unreachable and the map needed major fixes. Just 24 hours before the Tournament we asked 645654 and phacrum to make a new map, "Threesome". They managed to map it, barely sleeping. At the same time we still fixed "Level" and in the end we played both maps at the Tournament.
One of our funnier Tournaments was played on a Flappy Bird map, which Saavik and I mapped in just 1-2 days by working on it in shifts:
In October 2013 Broken offered me a server to host DDNet in the USA as well. This required a lot of work so that maps and ranks are synchronized among the servers. Much of DDNet was automated around this time. Finally DDraceNetwork was worthy of its name, hosting a network of DDRace servers. Shortly after a server in Russia and China were added. The Russian server has been getting more popular after other Russian servers shut down, especially KONATBL4 and WALL-E. The Chinese server has been running non-stop since then, but still doesn't have a big player base.
As our servers started to fill up more, I managed to dig out the old 64 player support by fstd and eeeee, added it to DDNet server and client and fixed it up. Finally our client had a real use, the ability to see 64 players at once. This also enabled us to run the Quick Tournaments with 64 players per server.
Our biggest location other than GER was Chile, which suddenly had a Teeworlds community after a popular Chilean livestreamer decided to play Teeworlds: [bbvideo=560,315][/bbvideo]
DDoS Attacks
While our servers grew and we gained more players, the number of DDoS attacks on DDNet increased. Our servers were often lagging or simply unreachable. I often wasn't sure whether to keep running the servers under that pressure. I had to buy more expensive servers and experiment a lot to keep the attacks in control. After a few months, xRoThx offered to sponsor a great DDoS-protected server in Germany, which we use until this day.
Other servers were not as lucky. DDracemaX was taken offline after too many DDoS attacks happened and hasn't returned since. That's why we're hosting all the DDmaX maps in a special category now instead.
With the disappearance of DDmaX our focus also changed. Instead of just being the server for "special, creative maps", we were now the main server without much competition. Before that, we could just deny a new map and instead suggest to the mapper to release it on DDmaX instead. Now we started releasing more DDmaX-style maps and accepting more maps in general.
Map Testing
It has always been an important aspect of DDNet to test maps thoroughly and help the mappers improve them. In the beginning these were our testers: *WuDL*, Aoe, Lady Saavik, Knight :3, crouser, [*MC*]-DuBai-.?. Lady Saavik was the most active tester we ever had and at times she tested everything on her own. Now she's not an active tester anymore, but you can still see our current list of testers:
There's also a lot of trial testers who are working hard in our forum:
hi_leute_gll and some others weren't happy with DDNet releasing many maps, so they made their own ominous testing group, iMTG (independent map testing group), to help mappers make top maps and get them released on DDNet.
DDNet Today
Today we're running servers in many locations: Since a few sponsors stepped down, we rely more on donations to finance the servers:
In some Tournaments we have over 700 players at once. You can see more statistics here:
Some interesting trivia:
DDNet Client users today (unique IP): 3261
Players online per server today (DDRace and Block only, unique IP):
Most addicted players to a map:
Longest ranks:
Most addicted to DDNet:
Number of ranks by server, NULL is from before 2014-08-26, because I didn't record server until then:
Most finished maps:
Finishes per server (the Race server was just started a few hours ago):
Thanks to everyone who helped with DDNet, especially the testers, mappers, developers, mods, sponsors and donors! I hope you all still enjoy playing here after 2 years!
If I forgot anything interesting, tell me and maybe I can add it.
Before DDNet
I've been playing Teeworlds from the start, but was always pretty bad. I just liked that a game ran well on my bad Linux computer. After a few years I discovered the Instagib/iCTF mod, which was more to my liking: Fewer weapons, easier kills, more exact aim, higher speed. That's also why iCTF was the first mod we hosted other than DDRace itself.
Since I mostly played once a week at night, there were not many opponents online. One night I was all alone and searched through the server list and found a single server with more than a few players: HellGate 3 on DDracemaX
This was in December of 2011 if I remember correctly. I spent many days trying to beat the map until I finally did it around Christmas. It's here that I met most of the DDRace community, as they were mostly playing on DDracemaX. Many of these people later helped with DDNet and quite a few are still actively playing here. By the middle of 2012 I met .me' on DDmaX, who now turned into an onion.
Back then we used to speedrun DDmaX maps. In our good times we made about 5 new map records a day. On DDmaX there was a global ranking system on the website, where only the teamranks count, so we tried to climb the ladder to the top. That was a lot of fun and that's what finally got me hooked on playing DDRace every day. It wasn't that hard to get top ranks, as most people just played for fun and not for good time. That realization is why we have points on DDNet.
DDmaX was a great server. They just ran in Germany, had lots of cool maps and a great community. A few days ago we finally released all DDmaX maps in a separate category, since DDmaX hasn't existed for about a year now and it would be a shame to lose all these maps. Huge thanks to Lady Saavik for that.
After not playing for a few months again, Adrenaline 3 finally got me back to DDRace, because .me' and I just HAD to beat it, which we finally did after a long time: [bbvideo=560,315][/bbvideo]
On DDmaX I already played with my own version of DDRace client, in which I added the feature to disable quads, because that was the only way I could play without FPS drops. This later became the official DDNet client. You can see all the changes in DDNet client on Github:
Unfortunately a few people received bans for life on DDmaX, including me and .me', so we were unable to keep playing there. I don't know why others were banned exactly, but I had made a not so funny joke about the main admin of DDmaX, Tsin. We tried talking to him for a few days, but couldn't reach a solution unfortunately.
So instead of playing on DDracemaX, I started coding stuff for them. Not much came of it, but at least I got some understanding and practice with how the DDRace server code works:
DDNet Beginnings
Megaman had already rented a virtual server, but didn't know how to set it up. So I took over this aspect, implementing what we discussed in our group of 4: Megaman, Delo, .me' and I. We started out with just a few maps by .me' and Megaman. I'm not a mapper myself, so it's lucky that all the other 3 DDNet founders were. We also had a deal with Hitomi to host a server for him with his maps, among them of course the extremely popular HellGate series.
These were the first map finishes done on DDNet:
Code: Select all
| Map | Name | Timestamp | Time |
| Rainbow Sunrise | onionly .me' | 2013-07-18 03:38:42 | 4321.66 |
| Rainbow Sunrise | Rigmu | 2013-07-18 03:38:43 | 4476.44 |
| Challenge | onionly .me' | 2013-07-18 17:04:49 | 1418.92 |
| Challenge | deen | 2013-07-18 17:05:04 | 1412.18 |
| [SI] SELEN | Megaman | Cold | 2013-07-21 23:21:01 | 561.52 |
| [SI] SELEN | Hitomi | 2013-07-21 23:21:01 | 559.54 |
| [SI] KABOO | phacrum | 2013-07-21 23:35:35 | 738.3 |
| [SI] KABOO | Megaman | Cold | 2013-07-21 23:36:04 | 509.48 |
| [SI] KABOO | Hitomi | 2013-07-21 23:36:55 | 888.32 |
| [SI] KABOO | potsnacew | 2013-07-21 23:36:56 | 541.56 |
| [SI] YELLOW | potsnacew | 2013-07-21 23:50:33 | 663.76 |
| [SI] YELLOW | Hitomi | 2013-07-21 23:50:34 | 540.72 |
| [SI] YELLOW | Megaman | Cold | 2013-07-21 23:50:53 | 764.64 |
| [SI] YELLOW | phacrum | 2013-07-21 23:50:54 | 664.74 |
| [SI] YELLOW | cris | 2013-07-21 23:50:54 | 783.1 |
| [SI] INSTINCT | Megaman | Cold | 2013-07-22 00:06:47 | 824.58 |
| [SI] INSTINCT | cris | 2013-07-22 00:07:13 | 777.78 |
| [SI] INSTINCT | potsnacew | 2013-07-22 00:09:07 | 993.86 |
| [SI] INSTINCT | Hitomi | 2013-07-22 00:13:59 | 1285.34 |
| [SI] VIADANTE | Megaman | Cold | 2013-07-22 00:36:13 | 1046.78 |
| [SI] VIADANTE | Hitomi | 2013-07-22 00:36:13 | 1052.86 |
| [SI] VIADANTE | phacrum | 2013-07-22 00:36:14 | 1001.66 |
| HellGate 3 | ;Sangvin1k'Fm | 2013-07-22 11:47:13 | 834.62 |
| HellGate 3 | ;Xoler1k'Fm*<\3 | 2013-07-22 11:47:15 | 844.78 |
| HellGate 3 | deen | 2013-07-22 11:47:16 | 843.58 |
| HellGate 2 | deen | 2013-07-22 12:15:36 | 719.28 |
| HellGate 2 | ;Xoler1k'Fm*<\3 | 2013-07-22 12:15:56 | 634.32 |
| HellGate 2 | ;Sangvin1k'Fm^^ | 2013-07-22 12:17:48 | 681.02 |
| [SI] SELEN | Hitomi | 2013-07-22 22:52:56 | 358.68 |
| [SI] SELEN | Lady Saavik | 2013-07-22 22:52:56 | 358.72 |
| [SI] KABOO | Lady Saavik | 2013-07-22 23:12:59 | 1112.8 |
| [SI] KABOO | Hitomi | 2013-07-22 23:12:59 | 1141.14 |
| [SI] AVADA | Hitomi | 2013-07-22 23:40:04 | 498.78 |
| [SI] AVADA | Lady Saavik | 2013-07-22 23:40:04 | 498.78 |
- Rigmu was the first non-admin to finish a map on DDNet, some Polish guy who always rages and still plays on DDNet, but with fake names
- Followed by phacrum, a great mapper, tester and troll
- And of course potsnacew, who's the ever-elusive aaa with his daily name changes
- As well as Lady Saavik, who has been saving DDNet again and again by testing more actively than humanly possible
Many maps released on DDmaX were in the same mapping style, just drag your partner through freeze, hooking him through corners. We made it our mission to host creative maps only. I started implementing more features, like extended teleporters, and .me' made the Bootcamp maps for them. Adding easier maps and finding mappers willing to map for us helped DDNet get new players. In the first week 38 ranks were made, in the second week already 386, in the third week 771. For reference: Last week 13919 ranks were made, and we only released a single Novice map in this week.
I kept developing new features for the DDNet server, many of which are listed here:
On the internet archive you can look at some old versions of our website, for example here where we just released the DDNet client, mainly for mapping on DDNet, in August 2013: ... /
The idea of having special events came early, in September 2013. Our first Tournaments worked by taking a few nice released maps and having players race them for 2 weeks:
These Tournaments were never very popular, as most players don't like the idea of racing maps for two weeks. I guess I was still influenced by my own fun experiences with .me' on the DDmaX server.
The idea of the Quick Tournament came in January 2014: To host a Tournament at the weekend, where everyone would race at the same time on a brand new map. This proved to be much more popular:
Unfortunately we had a few start problems. At the first Quick Tournament we wanted to play DiViNe's map "Level", but DiViNe was unreachable and the map needed major fixes. Just 24 hours before the Tournament we asked 645654 and phacrum to make a new map, "Threesome". They managed to map it, barely sleeping. At the same time we still fixed "Level" and in the end we played both maps at the Tournament.
One of our funnier Tournaments was played on a Flappy Bird map, which Saavik and I mapped in just 1-2 days by working on it in shifts:
In October 2013 Broken offered me a server to host DDNet in the USA as well. This required a lot of work so that maps and ranks are synchronized among the servers. Much of DDNet was automated around this time. Finally DDraceNetwork was worthy of its name, hosting a network of DDRace servers. Shortly after a server in Russia and China were added. The Russian server has been getting more popular after other Russian servers shut down, especially KONATBL4 and WALL-E. The Chinese server has been running non-stop since then, but still doesn't have a big player base.
As our servers started to fill up more, I managed to dig out the old 64 player support by fstd and eeeee, added it to DDNet server and client and fixed it up. Finally our client had a real use, the ability to see 64 players at once. This also enabled us to run the Quick Tournaments with 64 players per server.
Our biggest location other than GER was Chile, which suddenly had a Teeworlds community after a popular Chilean livestreamer decided to play Teeworlds: [bbvideo=560,315][/bbvideo]
DDoS Attacks
While our servers grew and we gained more players, the number of DDoS attacks on DDNet increased. Our servers were often lagging or simply unreachable. I often wasn't sure whether to keep running the servers under that pressure. I had to buy more expensive servers and experiment a lot to keep the attacks in control. After a few months, xRoThx offered to sponsor a great DDoS-protected server in Germany, which we use until this day.
Other servers were not as lucky. DDracemaX was taken offline after too many DDoS attacks happened and hasn't returned since. That's why we're hosting all the DDmaX maps in a special category now instead.
With the disappearance of DDmaX our focus also changed. Instead of just being the server for "special, creative maps", we were now the main server without much competition. Before that, we could just deny a new map and instead suggest to the mapper to release it on DDmaX instead. Now we started releasing more DDmaX-style maps and accepting more maps in general.
Map Testing
It has always been an important aspect of DDNet to test maps thoroughly and help the mappers improve them. In the beginning these were our testers: *WuDL*, Aoe, Lady Saavik, Knight :3, crouser, [*MC*]-DuBai-.?. Lady Saavik was the most active tester we ever had and at times she tested everything on her own. Now she's not an active tester anymore, but you can still see our current list of testers:
There's also a lot of trial testers who are working hard in our forum:
hi_leute_gll and some others weren't happy with DDNet releasing many maps, so they made their own ominous testing group, iMTG (independent map testing group), to help mappers make top maps and get them released on DDNet.
DDNet Today
Today we're running servers in many locations: Since a few sponsors stepped down, we rely more on donations to finance the servers:
In some Tournaments we have over 700 players at once. You can see more statistics here:
Some interesting trivia:
DDNet Client users today (unique IP): 3261
Players online per server today (DDRace and Block only, unique IP):
Code: Select all
GER: 4240
GER2: 1246
Chile: 1362
RUS: 845
South Africa: 406
Brazil: 387
USA: 349
CAN: 102
CHN: 76
Code: Select all
| Map | Name | Finishes |
| Absurd 4 | ♥|Duca | 213 |
| Kobra 2 | Cerry | 160 |
| Purple Panic | brainless tee | 139 |
| Just2Easy | brainless tee | 123 |
| hotrun | Im 'corneum | 114 |
| Kobra 2 | nameless tee | 109 |
| Hookthrough | brainless tee | 105 |
| Speedster | [Nub]Wiesel | 100 |
| Kobra 2 | °Tee° | 98 |
| Kobra 2 | ⚡-єxoтi¢ | 97 |
| Absurd 4 | brainless tee | 95 |
| Kobra 2 | J0J0 | 92 |
| Kobra 2 | Luke | 92 |
| Purple Panic | Der_Held | 90 |
| Chill Let's Climb | Nocsis | 88 |
| Absurd 4 | pVp | 88 |
| Absurd 2 | brainless tee | 87 |
| Kobra 2 | BannZay | 85 |
| Purple Panic | 6uHo3aBp | 83 |
| Kobra | ☠Arcŧurus☠ | 82 |
| Lonely Swim 4 | Im 'corneum | 82 |
| hotrun | frannmt! | 80 |
| Kobra 2 | Momasd | 79 |
| Kobra | Cerry | 77 |
| Kobra | Mrs Depression | 76 |
| benrace | Broken | 75 |
| Purple Panic | Black~Knight | 74 |
| Kobra | nameless tee | 74 |
| Absurd 4 | [D]♥|Duca | 73 |
| Kobra 2 | Theskritsch | 72 |
| Kobra 2 | 3we | 72 |
| Kobra 2 | Krzyh | 70 |
| Kobra 2 | Mr.Nobody | 69 |
| Joyride | Im 'corneum | 69 |
| Kobra 2 | pVp | 69 |
| Tiny Tandem | brainless tee | 68 |
| Kobra 2 | Lilopilo | 67 |
| Kobra 2 | *DK* | 66 |
| Kobra 2 | ☠Arcŧurus☠ | 64 |
| Kobra 2 | obvious tee | 63 |
| Kobra 2 | Nemi | 62 |
| Kobra | Mio | 62 |
| Purple Panic | Neko | 61 |
| SorGores 1 | Broken | 61 |
| Absurd 4 | Stryler | 61 |
| Camouflage | brainless tee | 60 |
| Kobra 2 | Chirua | 58 |
| Epix | brainless tee | 57 |
| Water Lily | brainless tee | 57 |
| Rollercoaster | Parashenka | 56 |
Code: Select all
| Map | Name | Time (in minutes) |
| Weird Cave | phacrum | 1337.2166666666667 |
| Chill Let's Climb | [Antee-Virus] | 844.4990234375 |
| At Sundown | milk | 612.6733072916667 |
| Dark Descent | Cøke | 574.006640625 |
| run_guy_25 | Kobr(CCCP) | 550.9699869791667 |
| Houll | 20g Mett bitte! | 544.65166015625 |
| Houll | AmazingGaylord! | 544.6510091145833 |
| run_guy_25 | 12:345 | 543.3533203125 |
| Falling Star | Beiroc | 532.7276692708333 |
| Falling Star | Goran | 532.7276692708333 |
| Difficult 2.1 | Đϻτεε | 528.8013346354167 |
| Neverwhere | PitausK | 507.5906575520833 |
| Fly to the Moon | fikmesån smell | 505.4519856770833 |
| Fly to the Moon | Broken | 501.64733072916664 |
| Fly to the Moon | Dizzy | 501.583984375 |
| At Sundown | =Akito= | 500.00166015625 |
| Ecstasy | Ante&LanuX_suck | 497.96165364583334 |
| Ecstasy | gB. | Kayumi | 497.96165364583334 |
| Agony | Juandissimo | 478.57900390625 |
| Agony | JocKel T'nP | 478.57900390625 |
| Agony | Secondfive | 478.57900390625 |
| Agony | Exotix | 478.57900390625 |
| Agony | Ama | 478.57900390625 |
| Fly to the Moon | fikmesån | 462.04401041666665 |
| Sunny Land | D@rKS1DE | 444.8110026041667 |
| Black & Red | Joker.♥ | 444.74000651041666 |
| Black & Red | ÐæR | 444.74000651041666 |
| Dark Descent | Themix | 440.54498697916665 |
| Dark Descent | TheZyZya | 438.81731770833335 |
| Generic World | Black-_-lotus. | 436.07366536458335 |
| Generic World | 2oo | 436.07366536458335 |
| Generic World | milk | 436.07366536458335 |
| Fly out of hell | QzBoY | 435.69166666666666 |
| Gloomy Den | Swift | 435.2416666666667 |
| Gloomy Den | VL100 | 435.2416666666667 |
| Gloomy Den | Freezestyler | 435.2416666666667 |
| Gloomy Den | Ark :3 | 430.1616536458333 |
| Gloomy Den | Horst | 429.8033203125 |
| Race_Sanktoras | *T*AlexOFF|Cola | 429.4989908854167 |
| Generic World | LanuX | 427.86399739583334 |
| Generic World | gB. | FeIs | 427.86399739583334 |
| Generic World | Kayumi ist geil | 427.86399739583334 |
| Generic World | brain | 427.86399739583334 |
| Generic World | gB. | Kayumi | 427.86399739583334 |
| Universe | vrrtep | 423.8716796875 |
| Dark Descent | Horst | 422.03798828125 |
| Dark Descent | BsRobert | 411.35768229166666 |
| Kobra 2 | Upakowka | 410.95667317708336 |
| Dark Descent | SBL | 410.19765625 |
| Dark Descent | chuLio | 409.72666015625 |
Code: Select all
| Name | Time spent in all ranks (in hours) |
| brainless tee | 997.9366999986437 |
| nameless tee | 775.3777877579795 |
| milk | 690.2149652470483 |
| Broken | 672.3105768791835 |
| gB. | Kayumi | 619.0146326467726 |
| Obst | 590.3702159298791 |
| Hindu | 501.2984784825643 |
| Ark :3 | 483.7023333056768 |
| aMu | 476.9164111222161 |
| <BµmM> | 475.87035577932994 |
| Cola Dose | 449.1497885131836 |
| Xploit | 447.0058339826266 |
| Cerry | 416.63240590201485 |
| Cøke | 414.329554921786 |
| Lady Saavik | 392.96466117223105 |
| David*°Villa | 389.78646611001756 |
| deen | 382.5737725332048 |
| The.Rorroo♫ | 381.58441648324333 |
| Wombat | 378.770978825887 |
| ☠Arcŧurus☠ | 377.5711440202925 |
| triki | 376.25926169607374 |
| Themix | 370.0485107135773 |
| Mike Litoris | 369.7392233043247 |
| Welf | 349.38295522795784 |
| LanuX | 346.91558319674596 |
| hannibal | 344.252893447876 |
| Sir Skeleton | 340.31945013258195 |
| Liverpool | 334.6513052548303 |
| Carl | 334.25134448369346 |
| Pepe | 330.277849902047 |
| |Ŗaþŧurę| | 328.2517723634508 |
| Deathman | 326.45253959443835 |
| Chairn | 325.84144385761687 |
| RavenXXX | 325.0488503572676 |
| Rolf | 324.6301049486796 |
| Sui :3 | 324.5481450785531 |
| Gurky | 320.125210635927 |
| Juandissimo | 312.11492190466987 |
| :) | 309.7232393036948 |
| Loop :3 | 304.0868165323469 |
| H2 rDDDDD | 300.81763368182715 |
| Soapy Sandwich | 298.854243938658 |
| Đϻτεε | 296.6636615371704 |
| Aoe | 296.2587670442793 |
| The real LOL | 296.01681060579085 |
| Ama | 292.25681626902684 |
| Fumm | 287.5697056028578 |
| Fox | 283.0126499112447 |
| Mio | 281.4799226358202 |
| Armin v Buuren | 280.01847686449685 |
Code: Select all
| Server | Finishes |
| GER | 278410 |
| NULL | 210866 |
| CHL | 55338 |
| RUS | 48514 |
| ZAF | 34957 |
| EUR | 24786 |
| USA | 21146 |
| BRA | 8816 |
| CHN | 8298 |
| FRA | 8035 |
| CAN | 5926 |
| IRN | 945 |
Code: Select all
| Map | Finishes |
| Kobra 2 | 19825 |
| Flappy Bird | 18133 |
| Kobra | 15034 |
| Just2Easy | 11775 |
| Absurd 4 | 11378 |
| Absurd 2 | 10850 |
| Joyride | 10774 |
| Purple Panic | 10248 |
| For Idiots 1 | 8751 |
| [School] Hook | 7432 |
| hotrun | 7025 |
| Basics | 6691 |
| No_Stuck | 6407 |
| Epix | 6208 |
| Top 1 | 6182 |
| GlassBox 2 | 6031 |
| For Idiots 2 | 5943 |
| Fluff | 5943 |
| Tiny Tandem | 5915 |
| Gold Mine | 5830 |
| Hookthrough | 5751 |
| Houll | 5541 |
| Lowcore | 5316 |
| Easy 1 | 5277 |
| Light Grey | 5252 |
| Camouflage | 5191 |
| Killstreak 1 | 5082 |
| Kobra 3 | 5010 |
| Sopella | 4914 |
| Introduction | 4901 |
| SorGores 1 | 4762 |
| GlassBox 3 | 4675 |
| Pados 1 | 4674 |
| ZeroX | 4427 |
| Island Rush | 4170 |
| Thor | 4164 |
| [School] Hammer | 4102 |
| Water Lily | 4028 |
| Absurd 1 | 4010 |
| Batman | 3923 |
| Mini Zero II | 3816 |
| Icebreaker | 3730 |
| Pados 2 | 3695 |
| benrace | 3656 |
| Race_Sanktoras | 3558 |
| run_guy_25 | 3371 |
| Joyride 2 | 3258 |
| Pale | 3247 |
| Hoo! | 3070 |
| GlassBox 4 | 3043 |
Code: Select all
| Server | Finishes |
| novice | 346163 |
| solo | 124579 |
| ddmax | 102707 |
| moderate | 83527 |
| oldschool | 34265 |
| brutal | 14078 |
| race | 734 |
If I forgot anything interesting, tell me and maybe I can add it.
- imp
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Re: The History of DDNet
How long did it take you to write that long story? 

- deen
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Re: The History of DDNet
A few hours. I still feel like I stopped half-way through and missed half the important stuff.imp wrote:How long did it take you to write that long story?
I'll also be talking about the history of DDNet with Hallowed1986 in his German livestream on Saturday at 19:00 CEST.
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Re: The History of DDNet
So a few things to say:
1.Amazing that you took the time to write this amazing story about the best servers in Teeworlds, its especially nice for newcomers.
2.Will you talk in the stream with voice or will you write answers like in a chat.
3.You forgot the Anti-Cheat part or atleast the part about cheating, when you even mention DDoS and the Hall of Fame & other channels part that upload DDNet videos reguarly like the official DDNet Channel, Spyker,artkis etc.
4.Maybe tell us the joke about Tsin again.(I dont remember it correctly unfortunately)
1.Amazing that you took the time to write this amazing story about the best servers in Teeworlds, its especially nice for newcomers.
2.Will you talk in the stream with voice or will you write answers like in a chat.
3.You forgot the Anti-Cheat part or atleast the part about cheating, when you even mention DDoS and the Hall of Fame & other channels part that upload DDNet videos reguarly like the official DDNet Channel, Spyker,artkis etc.
4.Maybe tell us the joke about Tsin again.(I dont remember it correctly unfortunately)
- Onion
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Re: The History of DDNet
It's written perfectly, I have nothing to add.
Impressive, how our little project grew from week to week to become the Network that connects the Teeworlds-Community most now
I'm happy and proud to be part of this from the first days, we had / have a great team and an increasing support by other players who liked our idea of improving DDrace
But nothing of this would have been possible without you, deen. We were able to add ideas, discussing new features or just creating maps. But without your technical knowledge and support nothing of this would have been possible!
I hope we will continue like this for more years! It's not the end, DDNet continues increasing. As I see the new Race-Servers get accepted really well, we will see, where this leads to!
All I hope is that you dont only stay in your position as DDNet-Admin, else I would need to find a new teammate. :p
But - never change a winning team! This counts for us as a DDRace-team as well as for the DDRaceNetwork staff!
Impressive, how our little project grew from week to week to become the Network that connects the Teeworlds-Community most now

I'm happy and proud to be part of this from the first days, we had / have a great team and an increasing support by other players who liked our idea of improving DDrace

But nothing of this would have been possible without you, deen. We were able to add ideas, discussing new features or just creating maps. But without your technical knowledge and support nothing of this would have been possible!
I hope we will continue like this for more years! It's not the end, DDNet continues increasing. As I see the new Race-Servers get accepted really well, we will see, where this leads to!

All I hope is that you dont only stay in your position as DDNet-Admin, else I would need to find a new teammate. :p
But - never change a winning team! This counts for us as a DDRace-team as well as for the DDRaceNetwork staff!

back to the roots - plant onions
- Maple
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Re: The History of DDNet
For those wondering the only one with a life ban is Shorefire, lol
Quien soy?
- deen
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Re: The History of DDNet
Talk.Forris wrote:2.Will you talk in the stream with voice or will you write answers like in a chat.
There's already a nice story about anti-cheat: wrote:3.You forgot the Anti-Cheat part or atleast the part about cheating, when you even mention DDoS and the Hall of Fame & other channels part that upload DDNet videos reguarly like the official DDNet Channel, Spyker,artkis etc.
There was no empty DDmaX server and I wanted to play a map with BooNie. So I wondered how we could get an empty server where our map vote would pass. I jokingly suggested to BooNie that maybe we should get people to insult Tsin, then he would come and ban them for life and we have more space. I did that because I heard that he bans people for life if they insult him, but of course would never actually make people insult someone. Half an hour later I had a ban for life.Forris wrote:4.Maybe tell us the joke about Tsin again.(I dont remember it correctly unfortunately)
- Gaprik
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Re: The History of DDNet
Wow deen! What an interesting story! i love it

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- maggi323
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Re: The History of DDNet
Well written deen
As a very concentrated reader, i found a little mistake: first you say 34 finishes in the first week, then a few lines later you say 38 :0 yeah i know, nobody cares, but i think such a well written story should be perfect

As a very concentrated reader, i found a little mistake: first you say 34 finishes in the first week, then a few lines later you say 38 :0 yeah i know, nobody cares, but i think such a well written story should be perfect

- Ryozuki
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Re: The History of DDNet

deen wrote:By the middle of 2012 I met .me' on DDmaX, who now turned into an onion.
including me and .me'

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